How Analytics Can Help You Better Manage Your ICU
3 Critical Areas in Which More Accessible Data Will Enable Meaningful Improvements
How Analytics Can Help You Better Manage Your ICU
3 Critical Areas in Which More Accessible Data Will Enable Meaningful Improvements
In the intensive care unit, every second counts. So does every piece of data.
Hospital ICUs are tasked with taking care of the most critically ill patients. That means that to improve patient care, providers must have access to vital information at their fingertips, and the departments themselves must be running at an optimal level.
However, managing ICUs also has its own unique set of challenges due to the acuity of patients, the types of resources needed (such as ventilators), and higher per-patient levels of staffing and necessary specializations.
An analytics platform can help hospitals and health systems better manage their ICU resources, resulting in streamlined operations, reduced costs, and improved patient outcomes.
In this white paper, we’ll examine three areas in which data can make a difference in the ICU, and take a look at how Dimensional Insight’s ICU Advisor uniquely addresses these areas.