Promote Population Health
Dimensional Insight solutions helped customers to:
28.5% reduction in Medicare ALOS
46% improvement in performance of colorectal screenings
58% reduction in antimicrobial treatment days
A greater understanding of population health is necessary as we move to new value-based payment models. Your data provides the necessary foundation to help you better understand your patient population and identify opportunities to reduce costs and improve treatments and outcomes for patients.

Patient Registries
Patient registries allow you to group patients with similar conditions into cohorts for detailed analysis and monitoring. With Dimensional Insight, you can leverage information from across care settings and domains to highlight opportunities to improve patients’ access to care, employ preventative strategies, and measure the impact of interventions.

Population Segmentation
Population segmentation enables you to identify the patients at increasing risk of disease burden and healthcare resource utilization. Dimensional Insight allows you to effectively make these identifications, giving you time to intervene using strategies that have proven effective for other patients in the cohort.

Risk Stratification
Dimensional Insight lets you apply the objective measures of disease burden and health resource utilization to manage risks for individual patients. Your organization can also use this information to manage risks for the provider organizations caring for those patients, including both health and financial risks.

Utilization Analysis
With utilization analysis, you can gain a detailed understanding of where and how health resources are being allocated. Dimensional Insight allows you to analyze the right information to determine the impact on the health and wellness of the population and community.

Social Determinants of Health
With Dimensional Insight, you can integrate information on social determinants of health, such as demographics and socio-economic factors, with data on patient care. That data can be used to identify inequities and disparities in quality of and access to care and other resources.
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Access to Care
Enriched population data helps you identify the barriers to access for specific members of the population. Dimensional Insight allows you to analyze this information to help determine strategies for overcoming those barriers and measure the impact of those strategies.
With Dimensional Insight, you can integrate information on social determinants of health, such as demographics and socio-economic factors, with data on patient care. That data can be used to identify inequities and disparities in quality of and access to care and other resources.
Want to learn more about how to transform your hospital’s data?
Explore a self-guided demo or book a demo with one of our product specialists today!
Used by healthcare companies around the world.

What challenge are you trying to solve?

Engage Providers

Drive Financial REsults

Optimize Operations

Support Service Lines

Promote Pop health

Improve outcomes

Measure Productivity